Hee hee hee ....
- Watch 11 movies over the weekend back to back, switching from one movie channel to another
- Cook once in 2 days.One time of cooking serves you for 3 meals.
- After 48 hours you realize you have not left your apartment (weekend woes) On the extreme,its every week planning and exploring a new getaway
- Download movies one after the other, sometimes kick off the download and go to sleep
- Make the best use of youtube for the timeless Koundamani-Senthil, lollusabha comedies
- Get bitten by the blog bug (so many 'B's)
- Learn cooking
- Learn how to wash
- Respond to every email, including forward from friends, old and new
- Check orkut,facebook,gmail,yahoo,rediff one after the other every damn night
Hee hee hee ....What does all the above signify?
ONSITE, alone in a faraway country!!!
@naagai - puli sonna sarithan!
@Ravi - en nyabagam illama? i do remember you pretty well. Read your last 4 posts awesome. Keep writing. I will write a nostalgia piece asap.
thanks for dropping by and the generous comment !
No i wasnt in Jeevana. Wonder if you were...!