Hee hee hee ....
Watch 11 movies over the weekend back to back, switching from one movie channel to another Cook once in 2 days.One time of cooking serves you for 3 meals. After 48 hours you realize you have not left your apartment (weekend woes) On the extreme,its every week planning and exploring a new getaway Download movies one after the other, sometimes kick off the download and go to sleep Make the best use of youtube for the timeless Koundamani-Senthil, lollusabha comedies Get bitten by the blog bug (so many 'B's) Learn cooking Learn how to wash Respond to every email, including forward from friends, old and new Check orkut,facebook,gmail,yahoo,rediff one after the other every damn night Hee hee hee ....What does all the above signify? ONSITE, alone in a faraway country!!!