
The Void and on filling it ! How do you define emptiness? The opposite of fullness? Not quite…   I’d rather say it’s stillness, a dangerous silence, blankness and having no hold – that’s my definition of emptiness. Today my heart is filled with emptiness. The death of a friend shook me and made me spill my grief here. The heaviest heart would be the one that enters a home after burying a family member, more so if it’s a spouse that has just left to heaven. Nothing can express the amount of pain and the depth of that sorrow that just engulfs one when they return home, only to find themselves more alone than ever before. The near and dear leave to return to their lives, children not sure of what’s in store for them next and all that’s left is the empty heart and life of the spouse. From the departed’s shoes, as you enter the home, to their belongings that lie scattered all over the home, each pulling one string of the heart! What to do to get over this moment, each second ...
Cook books, Coffee Spills, Oil Splatters, Scribbled Notes and Life! Here I am with this picture which beautifully captures the sum total of my unending love for cooking. I think I was 12 when I watched my first cooking show on DD, guess it was called Daawat. It was love at first sight, as to how simple ingredients came together to make something that looks and tastes delicious. My sisters and I s tarted to change our play to include a mic, tiny vessals, spoons and bowls of ingredients and thereby creating pretend cookery shows. We took turns to be the cook and the anchor. Mom used to chuckle at our creativity, little did she know that we were taking it seriously. Slowly we secretly got into the kitchen, when mom and dad stepped out. We started off with dosa, maaladu and some safe play recipes like the humble but deeply satisfying potato fry (which would be edible however badly cooked!) The spilt milk, flour, oil stains on the kitchen floor often gave us up and made mom go mad, but sh...

I am off

Flying away to a new zone - a new area of work - new people ! Wish me luck


Another year, another beginning, another hope , another plan :) Happy New Year to you! Moving to a new country, new assignment, new experiences - thanks to 2011, you just zipped by! What does a new year mean to you, to me it does make a different meaning. No am not talking about resolutions, plans etc etc. I'm a great fan of spontaneity. It actually means "coming out of natural impulse or tendency,unplanned or unconstrained". How beautiful it is not to know the result, but enjoy the process and the minute you hold..... Being spontaneous means different things, acting impromptu, just like that and so on. So you are bound to be judged when you are spontaneous. I can hear you say, who cares about what others judge me as, hold hold, I said judged, it can also mean you judge yourself, you look at yourself and see how you acted in that moment. You might pat yourself and say good, or you might say couldnt you have just shut up or not reacted at all! Hmm interesting isnt it! I wa...

Beyond Krishna

What would you name your autobiography if you ever plan to write one? Have you ever thought of that? I will name mine "Beyond Krishna". Why the name beyond Krishna?? Coz everything changes in life when you go beyond a certain limit!


The words we utter have a great effect. Some spilt here andthere hurt people. I experienced this today. Amidst all these repercussions, my little one A Jr, gives me a smile and an ubbbba**. I look at him and smile back. A kid knows when exactly to smile. Thanks to him, my cherub! ** kiss

Dinner with S

My cousin S came over for dinner on Sunday. This is the first time she is visiting me. Her daughter,husband accompanied her.S and I are of the same age and are third cousins to be precise. Am supposed to call her “chithi” lol, but never did. We share some beautiful memories together. I have spent days with her during my vacations when I was in school. She lived in the same place where my grand parents live, so anytime we are in my granny’s place, I am set to visit her atleast once. It was a time when there were no mobile phones, so my mom used to leave me in her place and then pick me up after 3-4 days. No inbetween calls to find out if “is she eating, is she comfortable” like we do today. I used to wear S’ clothes when at her place and she used to wear mine. We used to play all day with her lovely set of “choppu jaaman” (read little utensils in a kitchen set). Her father used to take us to their grocery shop, and we used to munch “naturo” mango bars, five stars(that came with a golden...