The Void and on filling it ! How do you define emptiness? The opposite of fullness? Not quite… I’d rather say it’s stillness, a dangerous silence, blankness and having no hold – that’s my definition of emptiness. Today my heart is filled with emptiness. The death of a friend shook me and made me spill my grief here. The heaviest heart would be the one that enters a home after burying a family member, more so if it’s a spouse that has just left to heaven. Nothing can express the amount of pain and the depth of that sorrow that just engulfs one when they return home, only to find themselves more alone than ever before. The near and dear leave to return to their lives, children not sure of what’s in store for them next and all that’s left is the empty heart and life of the spouse. From the departed’s shoes, as you enter the home, to their belongings that lie scattered all over the home, each pulling one string of the heart! What to do to get over this moment, each second ...